Episode 24
F.O.C.U.S – “O” Opportunities | MAG024
Opportunity is time sensitive. It is better to be prepared and not have the opportunity, than to have the opportunity and not be prepared to take advantage of it.
- Be open to feedback
- Submit yourself to continuous learning
- Have a clear vision and be ambition
- Know when you need support and seek for it
About the Host:
Grace Oben is a highly sought-after international speaker, Author, Mindset and Purpose Clarity Coach who is dedicated to empowering women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to find clarity in their purpose, make a lasting impact in the world, and make money living it. With a passion for helping others, Grace has been featured on GO TV, Global News, Podcasts, Magazines, where she shares her valuable insights and inspirations.
Drawing from her extensive experience and expertise, Grace offers transformative coaching programs that empower women, unwed pregnant teens, and teen moms to discover their unique gifts, unleash their potential, and create a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through her engaging speaking engagements, she captivates audiences with her dynamic storytelling and practical strategies for personal and spiritual growth.
If you're ready to transform your life, Grace is ready to guide you on your journey of purpose-discovery, helping you unlock your potential, and make a positive impact in the world.
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Hello, hello, hello. Welcome back to magnetize podcast. It's your girl Grace Oben. And we are continuing today with our podcast series on focus. So if you did not watch the episode of last week for F, which is facing your fears, then you might want to watch it because this is a series say five week series on focus, the acronym focus, which is F stands for facing your fears, or stands for opportunities. C stands for comparing yourself to others, U stands for unbreakable. And S stands for a solid support system. So focus is an acronym that I created I came up with during one of the very difficult, confusing and challenging phases of my life, that really, really helped me navigated my way through those times speed bumps, stop signs, tire, some debilitating targets, that were just holding me back and blocking my becoming coming. So if you did not watch last week's episode, where I spoke on facing your fears, you might want to go back and watch that, because then you will really benefit from today's episode, which is all for opportunities.
Grace Oben:So, opportunities, opportunity is, is very, very time sensitive. You know, I always say to my coaching clients that it is better, to be prepared, it's better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared to take advantage of it. That's, that's one of the most sorry, that's one of the most difficult things, because I have been there where I had an opportunity, but I was not prepared. And I really, really had to like, you know, do some self encouragement to let go of the feeling of disappointment, you know, so it is better, to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not prepared to take advantage of it. So when looking for opportunities for growth, you know, opportunity for expansion, opportunity for success in various areas of your life of our lives. There are several key characteristics you can look out for. And I'm going to I'm going to be sharing some of these key characteristics, you know, few general traits to consider when you are looking out for opportunities.
Grace Oben:One of it is adaptability. You know, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to learn new skills is very, very crucial for growth and seizing opportunities in any any domain. You know, the ability to just adapt, you know, sometimes we are so caught up are so stuck in our ways. This is how it should be this is how this is how I have always done things. This is how it's always been. And not being flexible enough. Not developing the ability not having the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and to learning new skills can really, really hold us back can be a really, really big mountain in front of us. So the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and just learning new skills is really, really crucial for growth and taking advantage of opportunities in any domain.
Grace Oben:The second thing to consider is resilience. You're not facing challenges and setbacks is inevitable. We can it's it's part of life, it's part of the journey, it's part of the process on our way to success is it just part of the process is part of what we will experience part of what we're going to go through in our journey, to success in our journey of achieving something. And keep moving forward. Just keep going, just just keep moving forward. Irrespective of what challenge you face. Always ask yourself, How can I make this work? What can I do to make this work? There's a mantra I use for myself. And it is grace, make it work. Grace, make it work. Every time I'm faced with a challenge, I just said, make it work. So be open, ask yourself, What can I do to make this work?
Grace Oben:The third thing to consider is vision and ambition. Having a very, very clear vision of your goals and ambitions, whether they are personal, professional, or business oriented, helps you stay focus, and will really, really motivate you on the path to your success. Having that very clear vision. You know, I always say to people that not having a clear vision is like heading somewhere, that you want it to go somewhere that you've never been to. But then you don't have a GPS, you said, Oh, I'm not going to use a GPS, I'm just going to figure this thing home or out as I go. I'll figure it as I go. No, you need to know where you're going. You need to be clear of where you're going. Or maybe you just get into your car. And you're just driving without any clear destination. Right? When you want to get on the flight or when you want to buy a plane ticket, the first thing, the flight agent, or the ticket agent will ask is Where are you going? Where are you headed? Where are you planning to go? Right? So we have to have a clear vision really clear.
Grace Oben:The fourth thing to consider is continuous learning. We can never know enough because at every stage of growth, every time you get to another level, you need so much to learn to be able to be successful at that level. Life its success is level after level. It's one level after the other. Right, the level at which you are now you had to learn so much to be successful at that level at this level. So now you want to get to the next level. You will need so much more you need to learn a lot on how to be successful at this next level of your growth. So having that growth mindset and a willingness to learn throughout life are important traits for personal development, and even to stay ahead in today's rapid changing world, like these are changing so fast. And if we just choose or decide that we're just going to stay where we are, we're not going to learn for example, technology is just going crazy now.
Grace Oben:Now a lot of people have a challenge when it comes to technology. I used to be one of them. I had never liked technology because I just felt like it was just like mathematics. But then I had to get real with myself. Like this is the thing now. Technology is is a big thing now. And if I don't embrace it and start learning what I need to know, of course, there are things that you will need to get other people to do for you when it comes to technology. But there are some basic things that you need to learn, you might want to know, right that you can do. Right, it says it could be as simple as learning how to use Zoom. Right? It could be as simple as learning how to set up your own social media platform, and even how to set up an ad on social media a paid ad on social media. Right, it could be as simple as that. So continuous learning, it's so important.
Grace Oben:The next thing to consider is net working, networking and relationship building. Nobody is an island, nobody can do it all by themselves. We need others we need people and needing people I'm not necessarily referring to partnership. If partnership is something you're interested in, awesome. But we need people. We want to network, we want to build relationships with other people. Building strong connections and collaboration, or collaborative relationships with others can provide valuable opportunities for us, right for growth and even expansion in every area of our lives. When we network, we'll get to meet people. And over time, we get to build a relationship with those people. The whole idea behind networking is not just to just share business cards, or shed contact information is to be relationship. Because relationship is where you start really experiencing or enjoying or seeing the benefit of network. When you move to that step, that next level with someone, when you build relationship with them, that is when you start really enjoying the benefits of networking. I love networking, I do annual Women networking event, you know, in partnership with two other amazing ladies, and it's been so successful. We do this every year, in March, we just tie it to the women's month. And it's been so successful. The Women Empowerment Network. Conference, so that's what we call it the Women Empowerment Network Conference, we do it every year, every year in March. And it's been amazing. And I always I love networking events. I love it especially in person ones, I love it. Because then you get to meet people and then you get to make that create that connection and then build the relationship. And that has really helped me in has really provided me with growth opportunities and expansion in my in my like personal life and even business. So networking and building relationship it's so so important. You know it bring it builds that strong connection, it builds collaboration, it builds partnership and the next next step thing to consider when it comes to opportunities is being proactive so proactiveness you know taking initiative and actively seeking out new opportunities rather than you know, passively just waiting for them to come your way can make a significant difference in your journey to success. You know I will always say to people that are poor opportunities. An opportunity is not like a package that someone just gifted to you you know like how your birthday is coming up, or your wedding anniversary is coming up or you you will be graduating and then some a friend or family member and auntie and uncle just bought you this surprise gift and put it in the mail and then DHL up ups, whatever, drops it up in front of your doorstep, right, and you just pick it up opportunities, not like that. Right, we need to, we need to take the initiative and actively seek out, you know, new opportunities, rather than just hoping and waiting that that will, they'll show up, they don't just show up, we go for it. That's why networking, being attending networking events, it's so powerful. You know, and networking is not just where you attend networking event, you might be you might be waiting in the doctor's office or somewhere. And you you start having a conversation with someone, you might be waiting for your train or your bus. And there's this other person, yeah, you initiate a conversation, you can never tell. You can never just tell where that mileage to. That's also networking. So being proactive, it's so important.
Grace Oben:And the last thing to consider, the final thing to consider when it comes to opportunities, is being open to feedback, the openness to feedback, a lot of us are not open to feedback. You know, we take offense when someone provides us with feedback. I don't care much how the feedback comes to me. With the feedback itself, I don't know if I put that right. In other words, I focus more on the feedback than how it was delivered. Because sometimes, some feedback are not delivered in the most pleasant way, in the, you know, an amazing feedback, a life changing feedback can be packaged or delivered in the worst way. I have received an amazing feedback that changed my life. But it was delivered in one of the worst way you can ever imagine. I was not pleased with how it was delivered, it made me feel it made me feel really bad. But then I did not forget or I did not focus more on how it was delivered. I focus more on what was delivered. Makes sense. I didn't focus more I shifted my focus from how it was delivered to what was delivered. Because most of the time we focus on how a feedback was delivered than focusing on what was delivered. Right? It's really important, because sometimes the How can make us miss the what if that makes sense. The how it was delivered can make us miss the what. So the willingness to listen to constructive criticism. And just learn from others can help you can help us identify areas for improvement and make the necessary adjustments along the way. Again, the lesson in being open to feedback is focus more on the what than they have, because the how might not be very pleasant. But then there is the what that if you take and apply can really, really change fates can really change things for you. So these are just a few characteristics to consider a few things to consider. But remember that everyone's path again to success and growth is unique. So it's important to reflect on your own goals, your values, and aspirations to identify the characteristics are the things that align best with your personal and professional and business journey. It's your girl Grace Oben. And see you next week. When I will be talking on C which is comparing self to others. If you are out there and you are wondering, or you are in the middle of a major transition in your life, maybe you just went through a really devastating experience in life and it was an eye opener for you to really become now workers instead of living life for yourself. And you have that question, why am I on earth? What? Why am I here? What am I meant to be doing? Other than what I've been doing? I have an amazing corporis clarity program that I believe will help you clarify the what, and also help you guide you on how to live a purposeful
Grace Oben:and fulfilling joyous happiness abundant life. Check out my website, Providenceguide.com. Again, it's your girl Grace Oben and see you next week. When are we talking on come on, see, compare himself to others. Take care and see you next week. Bye for now.